Economy and Entrepreneurship

Economy and Entrepreneurship

Вплив інновацій на якість управління інвестиціями

The influence of innovation on the quality of investment management



Анотація: Розглянуто питання впливу інновацій на якість управління інвестиціями. Визначено регулятивні дії держави щодо підтримки малих і середніх виробничих структур і наукових установ. Проаналізовано напрями стимулювання інноваційної діяльності аграрних формувань. Доведено, що створення спеціальних економічних зон і територій пріоритетного розвитку дасть змогу застосувати інноваційні технології підприємствам на проблемних територіях, сприятиме підвищенню рівня їх конкурентоспроможності та створенню нових робочих місць.
Abstract: The economic and social crisis, as well as the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic, have negatively affected the development of agricultural enterprises in recent years. Restructuring of the agricultural sector of the economy should be large-scale innovation. The development of the agricultural sector should be based on an innovative model of economic growth.
The innovative component of investment flows has an impact on raising the level. Applying modern technologies, they gain significant advantages over their competitors, make extra profits, influence the formation of prices for agricultural products. Therefore, large integrated production structures are trying to work closely with research institutions.
Carrying out a comprehensive reform of the agricultural sector of the economy, it is necessary to take into account that the directions of stimulating innovation of agricultural formations should take into account the specifics of economic development of each region, create conditions for additional investment in innovation programs.
The effectiveness of investment flow management depends on the quality of calculations of the needs of the economy in investment funds, the use of innovative developments and recommendations of scientists, the use of modern information technology in the economy management system, maintaining relationships with government agencies. Thanks to such innovative systems as controlling, public administrations can quickly monitor the timeliness of contractual obligations between all participants in the investment process and the efficient use of investment potential by agricultural entities in the region, improve the investment climate and increase investment attractiveness.
In order to improve the quality of investment management in agricultural development, coordination of relations between investors and recipients of investment, transparency of investment capital in the regions, it is advisable to create specialized management institutions that would manage investment potential and innovation and investment programs of the agricultural sector.
Ключові слова: інвестиції, інновації, управління, аграрні підприємства, маркетинг, контролінг
Key words: investments, innovations, management, agricultural enterprises, marketing, controlling
УДК: 658.5
UDC: 658.5

JEL: Q14

To cite paper
In APA style
Borovik, L., Tanklevska, N., & Shumakov, V. (2021). The influence of innovation on the quality of investment management. Economy and Entrepreneurship, 46, 48-59.
In MON style
Боровик Л.В., Танклевська Н.С., Шумаков В.О. Вплив інновацій на якість управління інвестиціями. Економіка та підприємництво. 2021. № 46. С. 48-59. (дата звернення: 14.03.2025).
With transliteration
Borovik, L., Tanklevska, N., Shumakov, V. (2021) Vplyv innovatsii na yakist upravlinnia investytsiiamy [The influence of innovation on the quality of investment management]. Economy and Entrepreneurship, no. 46. pp. 48-59. [in Ukrainian] (accessed 14 Mar 2025).
# 46 / 2021 # 46 / 2021
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