Economy and Entrepreneurship
ISSN 2522-459X
Вплив фінансової грамотності населення на інституційний розвиток фінансового ринку
The impact of the population financial literacy on the institutional development of the financial market
Анотація: На прикладі кредитного ринку досліджено взаємозв’язок між рівнем фінансової грамотності населення та розвитком фінансового сектора. Низька фінансова грамотність населення та грамотно поставлений маркетинг кредитних установ спричинили кредитну експансію в країні. Доведено, що прискорений розвиток фінансового ринку негативно впливає на економічний розвиток його учасників і фінансовий добробут населення.
Abstract: The low level of the population financial literacy is a big problem for many countries. Experts believe that one of the causes of the global crisis in 2008 was this. The population did not understand the financial market rules and misused its products. Improving the population financial literacy is defined as one of the goals of the strategy for the Ukraine financial sector development. Financial institutions want to increase the population financial literacy. They plan to increase his confidence in this way and increase the financial products use. At the same time, the mass acquaintance of the population with various financial services, increase of its involvement in financial market operations does not lead to the solution of important socio-economic country issues.
The majority of the population does not have the financial planning skills, rational management of their own funds. It also has no savings.
People with different income levels belong to this category. Low the population financial literacy and credit institutions high-quality marketing have led to credit expansion in the country. In most cases, people use credit to improve their living standards, not to survive. The population spends a large share of borrowings to buy goods and services that are not essential.
The article examines the relationship between the financial literacy level of the population and the financial sector development. Research has been conducted on the example of the credit market. Initially, the financial market institutions development has a positive effect on its participants economic development. Then the reverse processes begin and the financial growth negative aspects begin to prevail. It is proved that the accelerated development of the financial market has a negative impact on the economic development of its participants and the population financial well-being.
Ключові слова: кредит, поведінкова економіка, споживчий кредит, фінансова грамотність, фінансовий добробут населення, фінансовий сектор
Key words: credit, behavioral economy, consumer credit, financial literacy, financial well-being of the population, financial sector
УДК: 336: 330.16
UDC: 336: 330.16
JEL: G02 G21
To cite paper
In APA style
Yevchuk, L. (2021). The impact of the population financial literacy on the institutional development of the financial market. Economy and Entrepreneurship, 46, 60-72. http://doi.org/10.33111/EE.2021.46.YevchukL
In MON style
Євчук Л.А. Вплив фінансової грамотності населення на інституційний розвиток фінансового ринку. Економіка та підприємництво. 2021. № 46. С. 60-72. http://doi.org/10.33111/EE.2021.46.YevchukL (дата звернення: 14.03.2025).
With transliteration
Yevchuk, L. (2021) Vplyv finansovoi hramotnosti naselennia na instytutsiinyi rozvytok finansovoho rynku [The impact of the population financial literacy on the institutional development of the financial market]. Economy and Entrepreneurship, no. 46. pp. 60-72. http://doi.org/10.33111/EE.2021.46.YevchukL [in Ukrainian] (accessed 14 Mar 2025).

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