Economy and Entrepreneurship
ISSN 2522-459X
Методичні засади забезпечення результативності управління державними корпоративними правами
Methods of ensuring the effective pearformance management of state corporate rights
Анотація: Запропоновано концепцію результативного управління державними корпоративними правами, яка грунтується на встановленні ключових показників результативності та обгрунтування їх цільових значень на основі бенчмаркінгових досліджень державних підприємств — світових лідерів за відповідними сферами діяльності.
Abstract: The need to introduce effective management of stateowned enterprises is justified against the background of growing attention to the transparency of the corporate sector of the economy and the implementation of economic reforms. The share of the public sector of the economy at the global level according to the Forbes 2000 analysis is analyzed. The experience of countries, in particular Malaysia, which have successfully reformed state-owned companies on the basis of their corporatization and implementation of the latest management practices is studied. The directions of introduction of effective management of the public sector are considered, namely: improvement of mechanisms of formation of supervisory boards; establishment of key performance indicators; implementation of regular monitoring of the functioning of state enterprises. Procedures for establishing key performance indicators for public sector enterprises and features of the process of managing state corporate rights in Ukraine are analyzed.
The public sector of the economy is assessed in terms of employment, number of enterprises, profitability. Compared to most other countries, Ukraine has a large portfolio of state-owned enterprises. In contrast to developed countries, the source of corporate rights of the state in Ukraine was a large-scale privatization process. The system of management of state corporate rights requires its reform, which should primarily be aimed at the development and implementation of effective management and the creation of appropriate strategies, as well as in the evaluation of the results of the management process. A set of key performance indicators on the vectors of innovation, social capital, public service delivery, sustainable development, financial capital, brand and image is proposed. Normative values for such indicators are proposed to be established on the basis of comparison (benchmarking) with the best world companies.
Ключові слова: корпоративне управління, корпоративні права держави, ефективність корпоративного управління, ключові показники ефективності, результативність
Key words: corporate governance, corporate rights of the state, efficiency of corporate governance, key performance indicators, efficiency
УДК: 338.24
UDC: 338.24
JEL: H72 O43 Z18
To cite paper
In APA style
Prorok, V. (2021). Methods of ensuring the effective pearformance management of state corporate rights. Economy and Entrepreneurship, 47, 102-118. http://doi.org/10.33111/EE.2021.47.ProrokV
In MON style
Пророк В.В. Методичні засади забезпечення результативності управління державними корпоративними правами. Економіка та підприємництво. 2021. № 47. С. 102-118. http://doi.org/10.33111/EE.2021.47.ProrokV (дата звернення: 14.03.2025).
With transliteration
Prorok, V. (2021) Metodychni zasady zabezpechennia rezultatyvnosti upravlinnia derzhavnymy korporatyvnymy pravamy [Methods of ensuring the effective pearformance management of state corporate rights]. Economy and Entrepreneurship, no. 47. pp. 102-118. http://doi.org/10.33111/EE.2021.47.ProrokV [in Ukrainian] (accessed 14 Mar 2025).

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